We consider ourselves so fortunate to be raised Italian and to eat and drink the great tasting foods from recipes handed down from generation to generation. To us there is nothing more valuable than gathering with your loved ones to create great tasting meals and to use products that align with our family values of eating naturally and simply, and to share in our love of eating good food! In Italy they call it “Campagna” — the gathering of friends and family to break bread.

Some of my most cherished memories are those of my aunts, uncles, cousins, parents and grandparents in Italy working together to not only create our family recipes, but also to grow and procure the superior seasonal ingredients that formed the building blocks of the fabulous meals that we shared. The fresh figs and the fig jam from the fig trees in the front yard. The pasta sauce we canned with a leaf of fresh basil from the abundant fresh tomatoes from the garden each and every fall. The roasted peppers my uncle Nick grew in his substantial garden and harvested every August. The wine made every October from the grape vines on my family’s small plot of land (Zio Sergio, Zio Romolo, and Non’Antonio always argued over who made the best wine and each had their own bottle at the dinner table!). And of course, the olive oil! Zio Romolo guarded it with his life! For it was something to behold, crushed from olives harvested by hand every November from his olive trees, coaxed by the gentle hand of the salty breeze from the Adriatic sea below — Zio’s olive oil was rich in color, thick, and fragrant. It made every meal into a feast, breakfast, lunch and dinner!

The idea for OliAMO was born from these memories, memories of the best meals I’ve ever eaten, prepared with love by my aunts and grandmothers. We are so fortunate today, at this very moment, to be able to share one of the most important pieces of the story, Oliamo Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the oil our family in Italy still uses today. It is harvested from our ancestral lands and used to prepare generations old family recipes. Oliamo is an integral ingredient that helps us continue the tradition of using the finest, freshest, and good for you ingredients to create memorable family meals. Buon Appetitto!